Paulus Protocol
IVF Acupuncture Support
For IVF Acupuncture Support, Phyllis follows the Paulus Protocol, an evidence-based methodology with an improvement rate of 40% for successful conception and birth over IVF alone. The Paulus Protocol is a series of 3 treatments over one week around the time of transfer. The first session is done prior to transfer and ideally on the same day if possible. The second is as close to post-transfer as possible and the third is done 5 days after transfer. Included with the Paulus Protocol:
Acupuncture and Ear Acupuncture: Numerous studies show that acupuncture safely and effectively increases your chance of success. We follow a protocol that has helped hundreds of women conceive and birth healthy babies.
Breathing Exercises: Visualizations, meditations and simple breathing techniques keep your body calm and ready for receiving.
Flexible Transfer Scheduling: Timing is important. Ideally pre and post transfer sessions are done within 24 hours on either end. We will work around your transfer schedule to offer maximum potential success.
$450-$525 to be paid at the first of the three treatments. (higher price is for treatments that include a Saturday appointment) Each treatment lasts approximately 25 minutes.