What is Acupuncture?
Traditional Chinese medicine claims the human body has around 2,000 acupuncture points linked by channels or meridians. They allow energy (called Qi, pronounced “chee”) to flow through the body, which is responsible for overall health. They believe that a disruption of this energy can lead to many diseases. This is where acupuncture comes into the picture. As a vital component of traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture is most typically used to relieve pain and for overall mental wellness, including stress reduction. Acupuncture causes the body to release its own naturally existing painkillers and feel-good chemicals while also relaxing the nervous system.
Acupuncture can also enhance blood circulation and help the body relax. Acupuncture points have numerous channels that connect in specific areas of the body where there are multiple nerves. Numerous acupoints are located throughout the body, but only a few are known as major acupoints. Different major acupoints serve as focal points for various health conditions. For example, the major acupuncture point in your hand is beneficial for headaches, body pain, or toothache. In contrast, the major acupoint on the back of your hand is beneficial for back pain and knee pain. As a result, depending on what health issue you are trying to target, that is where the acupuncturist will focus when performing your treatment.
There is a wide range of health conditions for which acupuncture can be used. Typically, acupuncture is considered a therapy option for:
Chronic (ongoing) pain
Headaches of chronic tension
Dental pain
Joint pain
Postoperative pain
Seasonal allergies
Digestive complaints
Sciatic pain
Anxiety, stress, and depression
Acupuncture is an alternative treatment used by many practices, clinics, and hospices that involves inserting thin steel needles into the skin in order to stimulate sensory nerves and muscles. This could help treat chronic pain and other physical conditions. Occasionally, other forms of stimulation are preferred over needles or in conjunction, such as:
Heat (moxibustion), Pressure (acupressure), Friction, Cupping, and/or Impulses of electromagnetic energy.
What to Expect & How to Prepare
These procedures are done in sessions that usually last 20 to 60 minutes. The number of treatments required will vary according to the condition being treated and its severity. In most cases, eight to twelve treatments are recommended. A typical treatment regimen for a single problem would include one or two weekly treatments.
Before starting the treatment, the acupuncturists will examine you more closely to identify the type of acupuncture therapy most beneficial to you. Next, 5 to 20 needles are placed at different depths at strategic spots on your body. After doing so, they might gently rotate or twirl the needles or use heat or electrical pulses to the needles.
Understandably, you might be concerned about the level of pain induced in acupuncture, especially if you are scared of needles. However, contrary to many myths about acupuncture being painful, there is no reason to be scared because the needles are hair-thin, and you will only feel slight pressure or discomfort. Some people might not even feel anything during the process.
1. Complete your Acupuncture Intake form at least 24hrs prior to your appointment so the acupuncturist has time to review your medical history, medications & supplements. This very important so the acupuncturist can tailor your treatment needs accordingly, especially since some medications/supplements can have interactions with the treatment.
2. Make sure that when you are scheduling your acupuncture appointment that you are not engaged in too stressful an activity directly before or afterwards. You want to be relaxed during the actual acupuncture treatment. Stress and anxiety can interfere with the body’s natural healing processes
3. Getting your workout in early before an acupuncture treatment is important because it helps warm up your muscles, increase blood flow, and release endorphins that can help reduce pain and promote relaxation. Additionally, after the treatment, it is important to listen to your body. Resting can lead to better healing.
4. Most experts recommend that you eat something approximately two hours prior to your treatment. However, make sure this isn’t a big meal, as this may cause you to feel uncomfortable during your appointment. The other extreme should be avoided as well. You risk feeling lightheaded if you go to your appointment on an empty stomach. DO NOT drink coffee two hours prior to your appointment and avoid alcohol as well.
5. Turn off your cell phone during your appointment. This help you to eliminate distractions and give yourself the opportunity to fully engage in the treatment you are receiving. Without the constant buzz of notifications and the urge to check your messages or social media, you can relax and focus on the present moment. This can help you get the most out of the therapy you are receiving, as you will be more receptive to the guidance and support provided by the practitioner.
6. Following your appointment, drink lots of water the remainder of the day. This will help to flush toxins that are released during your treatment, which may cause you to feel achy.
What Should You Eat After Acupuncture?
We advise you to consume nutritious foods after receiving acupuncture to aid in the body’s detoxification process. In order to maximize their acupuncture’s potential benefits, the following should be part of your diet:
Green tea
What You Should NOT Eat After Acupuncture
The goal of post-acupuncture care is to maximize the benefits of acupuncture, and you can only achieve that by taking in the necessary nutrition. After receiving acupuncture, your body actively removes toxins, so you need to be sufficiently hydrated for this to be done effectively. Additionally, it would be best if you stayed away from:
Fast food
Refined sugars
What Should You Do After Acupuncture?
After-acupuncture care helps your body and mind connect and communicate more effectively and guarantees you get the most out of your treatment.
When it comes to taking care of your body and mind, various options are available, and their significance shouldn’t be understated. The following are some steps you should consider:
Get enough rest
Allow yourself to feel emotions
Eat healthy
Drink plenty
Take note of unusual feelings and report back during the next session
Stay warm
What Should You Avoid After Acupuncture?
After receiving an acupuncture treatment, patients should refrain from engaging in some activities for some time. This is done for safety reasons and to maximize the acupuncture treatment’s potential advantages. Limiting certain activities helps you control your stress reactions, which relaxes the body and deepens the energy reset. After an acupuncture treatment, ensure to avoid the following:
Digital screens
Heavy exercises
Stressful situations
Using ice for pain relief
Initial Acupuncture Appointment (Existing CNM Patient) $125
Initial Acupuncture New Patient Appointment $150 *typically 8-12 sessions (60-75 minutes)
Follow Up Acupuncture Appointment $105 (45-55 minutes)
*Please see other pages for additional acupuncture treatments such as to assist with IVF- Paulus Protocol or facial rejuvenation acupuncture
**If you are new to acupuncture and you are not sure if it is right for you, please contact our office to set up a free short phone consult with our Acupuncturist